中国与世界 1911-2018 China and the World 1911-2018

徐文宜 | Junior, Triple Majors in Political Science, International Studies, and Economics, Northwestern University

“在和平根本绝望之前一秒钟,我们还是希望和平的。”-中华民国国民政府主席 蒋中正 1937
“中国始终做世界和平的建设者、全球发展的贡献者和国际秩序的维护者。“-中华人民共和国主席 习近平 2017
The New China in the International Stage-The Paris Conference
The First Chinese Civil War: the complicated international actors behind CCP
World War II in China and the Tokyo Trial
The second Chinese Civil War: “We lost China?”
Tibet, Hong Kong, and Taiwan: How and Why?
Communism, Mao, and Global Revolution
The Cold War, Vietnam, and China
The Diplomatic Nightmares: the 1990s
Xi Jinping’s Policies: A New International Order?