"To do good work in the social sciences requires more than mastering a set of techniques. It requires understanding why these techniques work, why one approach might be more appropriate for a given task than another, and how a given approach might be adapted to diverse research situations. Good work in the social sciences is necessarily creative work, and creative work requires broad grounding...Good [social] science is not just a matter of rigor but also of insight...A constructive methodology should enable researchers to think about problems in new ways." - John Gerring


工作坊中每门研讨会课程都将会有不同理论和方法上的侧重, 将涉及定量、定性与形式化方法,以及经济学、社会学、政治哲学等学科的经典理论话题。通过以下的研讨会,我们尝试为参与者介绍社会科学的基础知识和魅力所在。我们希望参与者们在的带领能够初步了解社会科学研究的理论和方法,并利用这些工具更好地观察并思考人类社会的种种现象和谜团。
